Monthly Archives: June, 2013

Calling All Trolls

I have followed the tragedy of Morgan Ingram for nine months.  Over this period of time my view of Morgan’s mother Toni Ingram has evolved.

I always viewed the stalking story dubiously but in the beginning I saw Toni as a grieving mother whose obvious inability to grasp simple logic was interfering with her ability to come to terms with her daughter’s suicide.  A foolish and simplistic conclusion borne of, I am ashamed to say, my own intellectual arrogance.

Over time, my opinion has done a complete 180.  I no longer believe Toni is struggling to come to terms with her grief. I now believe she wears her grief like a badge.  She revels in the sympathy it brings her and she will do anything necessary to ensure it continues.

Toni Ingram is not like most of us.  I believe she operates without the burden of a conscience telling her what is right and what is wrong.

Here is an example:

Yesterday I blogged about Toni going to the police to say Mayra Martinez was calling on the phone and harassing her.  To add credibility to her claim she provided falsified phone records (go here to read the piece in its entirety)

Now, I would imagine, most people, upon learning that the police knew they lied, would NOT turn around and expand upon that lie.

However, as we all know, Toni Ingram is not like most people.  Not only has she continued to perpetuate her original lie, she has now added greater embellishment, calling on her supporters to report any calls they receive from Eugene Oregon (where Mayra lives) to local law enforcement.  She has even gone as far as claiming Mayra’s business contacts have joined in the alleged harassment.  For those who do not know, Mayra owns a crime scene cleanup business.  Someone please tell me, how someone convinces their crime scene cleanup connections to assist them in harassing total strangers ?  Maybe Toni doesn’t realize this, but in the real world people do not call upon their business contacts and ask them to break the law.; it tends to limit referrals.

Of course Toni doesn’t say these things through her own Twitter account.  She uses one of her sock puppet accounts.  Make no mistakes though, Toni Ingram controls all content tweeted through this user.


Let me cut to the chase:

Put up or shut up Toni.  We challenge you to prove even one of the unfounded allegations made against us.  If you believe we have called and harassed your supporters, prove it, post the phone records

However, it’s only fair that I warn you before you doctor any more records and take them to the police, doing so is a felony.


Colorado Statutes


Article 8. Offenses – Governmental Operations


Current through Chapter 430, Second Regular Session 2010

§ 18-8-306. Attempt to influence a public servant

Any person who attempts to influence any public servant by means of deceit or by threat of violence or economic reprisal against any person or property, with the intent thereby to alter or affect the public servant’s decision, vote, opinion, or action concerning any matter which is to be considered or performed by him or the agency or body of which he is a member, commits a class 4 felony.

An Act of Desperation

Once again Toni Ingram has shown her true colors.

This afternoon, my friend and fellow Truth for Morgan crusader Mayra Martinez, received a phone call from the Pitkin County (Colorado) Sheriff’s Office.

The call was from a sheriff’s officer who was calling to tell Mayra that Toni Ingram had come to the police station to complain that Mayra was making harassing phone calls to her. Toni then presented a printout of what she claimed were her phone records showing Mayra had called her a few times over the past two months. The officer assured Mayra there was no official investigation; he was just making a courtesy call and wanted Mayra to promise never to call Toni again.  Mayra said she was sorry but she could not promise that she would never call Toni again because she had not called her in the first place.  The officer asked Mayra if he needed to subpoena her phone records.  Mayra said she thought that would be an excellent idea and suggested he subpoena Toni’s as well.

Mayra told the officer she would never call Toni Ingram because she had nothing to say to her.  She informed the officer that Toni had a history of doctoring evidence and a call to Garfield county would confirm this.

The officer said their department had no intention of taking things further.  He said he researched the Ingrams and wanted nothing to do with a woman Garfield officials called “bat shit crazy.”

Mayra told the officer it was too late to turn back and she wanted charges brought against Toni.  According to Mayra, this goes beyond   filing a false report, she doctored evidence and needs to be held accountable.  The officer told Mayra that Toni did not file a police report so they cannot charge her with filing a false report.  Mayra told the officer she was sorry he was dragged into this situation but she had no intention of letting it go.  Mayra told the officer she still wanted to file harassment charges.

Mayra sent the officer her most recent phone records but requested that the officer subpoena both hers and Toni’s to confirm that Toni doctored evidence.

Toni Ingram, in this foolish and desperate act has decimated any credibility she might have had.  By her own hand she has shown her true character.

She has no moral compunction against falsifying evidence and giving it to police.  She has no concern for repercussions.  The woman is unconscionable.

By showing a willingness to lie and manipulate evidence she has undermined her own cause. Her willingness to falsify evidence against Mayra completely discredits the “tons of evidence” she says she has against Keenan. Case dismissed.

Poetic justice at its finest.

Just What Kind of Bull$*!t Is This?

June 1, 2013

by Shelby

There’s a record TFM keeps that’s updated every day or two, coinciding with the Morgan’s Stalking updates.  It is an ever expanding list of the errors, contradictions, half-truths, fabrications, misstatements, exaggerations, and absolute lies contained in Toni Ingram’s blog updates.

Today’s update will note the following:

On May 31, 2013 in Just What Kind of Crime Scene Is This Toni Ingram wrote:

„,what about the items that disappeared from her room on the night she was killed.  Each is uniquely different, each with its own story and importance.

There were other items that turned out to be missing as well, but this blog is going to specifically talk about a small card that also went missing the night Morgan was killed.

It was a driver’ license, obviously Morgan’s license, she would misplace it along with her purse every so often, but she was always very quick to find it when that happened.  It was one of her habits that she would not drive if she knew she did not have it, so to leave it missing was not an option for her.  Her license was always in her wallet, which was always in her purse.  She also kept her previous license right behind her current one.  The previous one was in her wallet after her death, as always, but the current one was not.

Not so according to the unattended death report:

Supplemental #3
Case # 11-29169
Detective J. A. LeMoine
December 8, 2011

After searching Morgan’s bedroom I conducted a search of the vehicle that Morgan was driving the night prior (Land Rover LR3). During this search I took multiple photographs of the exterior and interior of the vehicle. I was able to locate Morgan’s Colorado driver’s license……..

This wasn’t Morgan’s expired license since, according to Toni, that was in her wallet.

No need to keep banging this drum.  Detective LeMoine’s mention of the license in the car disproves that Morgan’s license was taken as a “trophy” by her “killer.”  Toni is either shamelessly lying or she misplaced the license and forgot its presence in the car was noted by Det. LeMoine.

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