Reality Check

January 31, 2013

My sincerest apology for not posting everyday as I intended.  It is not because I lack material! 

I hope to have some more informational material posted in the next few days and hopefully I will become more consistent with observational/anecdotal items. 

More bullshit from Toni Ingram’s All About Me blog:

From January 22, 2013

In another twist of fate, which has come to be expected in Morgan’s case, her memorial was held at the same place where K attended grade school.  Former classmates, and teachers all remembered him well.  Not for being “squeaky clean” as his “manager” at City Market told the detective, but for his behavioral issues, his violence, and bullying, and what was described as “a strange creepiness”.  It seems that even way back then K was establishing a reputation.

How considerate of K’s former classmates and teachers to drop by and dish at Morgan’s memorial service. 

I’m amazed by the level of commitment the school had toward K.  In my experience parochial schools do not keep problem students around.  They simply are not interested nor are they equipped to handle discipline cases.

From January 20, 2013

Morgan’s bedroom door still had its piece of police crime scene tape on it and I called the detectives about it.  At first we were told if we could leave it for two weeks that would be good, but now if we needed to go in we could.

From January 22, 2013

We had the OK to go back into her room and had so far only gone in to check on her cat.  We had gone through the cameras quickly to see if there was any very obvious event to be reported immediately, but there was not.  It was just too painful to watch them, so it was very cursory at best.

Let me get this straight.  The cat was locked in Morgan’s room behind crime scene tape?  A room where the Ingrams believe a crime occurred? 

Maybe I’m making too much out of this but it’s just odd.  Either Steve and Toni Ingram let the cat remain in a room they were not authorized to access for two weeks or they put the cat in Morgan’s room after they got the early okay to remove the tape.

Just for a moment, let’s drink the kool-aid:  An invisible ninja stalker who can pass through walls sneaked in without making a sound and killed Morgan.   Ninja Stalker is apprehended and brought to trial.  Evidence of Ninja Stalker is completely inadmissible because the the cat CONTAMINATED the crime scene!!

From January 19, 2013

The photo of Morgan that accompanies this blog post is bittersweet; it’s adorable and absolutely heart breaking.

And of course in the entire course of this investigation the container that held this concoction of five date rape drugs is not found.  Disappeared.  If you think, how can this be?  Steve and I wake up every morning and ask ourselves that very question.

I’m dumbfounded by this question.  I have to be honest, my first thought was how can anyone be this obtuse?   Time for another round of kool-aid.  Invisible Ninja Stalker was able to enter the Ingram home without detection, incapacitate Morgan without leaving a mark, find out what meds Morgan had been prescribed, obtain the drug, force it down her throat, undress and redress her, and last but not least escape without detection by dogs, parents, motion detectors and cameras.  Obviously this guy is one of the most sophisticated criminal minds of the century.  Certainly a criminal genius of this level would not carelessly leave behind any evidence to indicate he was there. 

(Psst.. the real answer is there was no container because there was no stalker).

———————————————————————————————— and Morgan’s Stalking

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